Artemis Fowl by, Eoin Colfer ISBN-13: 978-0786817078
This delightful story hosts a bizarre mix of fascinating characters that will amuse and intrigue readers from beginning to end. Artemis Fowl is the twelve year old child genius of a wealthy family about to lose their (dubiously earned) fortune. With his father missing and his mother barely able to function, Artemis decides it is his responsibility to put the family back on top. He decides to follow his father's example and find lucrative means to do so. Which leads him to tricking a fairy into giving up her magical book, translating the book to learn the secrets of fairy technology, and kidnapping a fairy in order to ransom her for gold. The fairy Artemis kidnaps, Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit of the fairy police force, is a cunning and likable character who will give this tween mastermind a bit more trouble than he had expected. Fairy technology, which far surpasses that of humans, is responsible for the creation of countless devices that will intrigue and enrapture many gadget-oriented readers. The story, which alternates between the perspectives of various characters, draws readers in to each character's unique drama and dilemmas. The characters include Artemis and his seemingly invincible bodyguard, Butler, as well as trolls, fairies, satyrs, and dwarfs. Colfer, who is already a well loved children's author in England, will gain many American fans with this witty and unusual story. This series would be an excellent choice for readers who enjoyed the Spiderwick Chronicles, but are looking for books with a bit more depth.
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